Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Darkness and The Light

Well it dawned on me a few days back while I was at work that I had not posted anything on this blog for quite a while now. I’ve been busy as hell with work, college, and my just recently concluded 18th Birthday =P.

One of my friends told me while I was reading other blogs with her that I should start writing on this again and it took me this long because I could not think of anything to say. During my last class at college however I came up with these verses that I thought could turn into a pretty cool track so I decided to put them up here. Now these aren’t very professional or great by any stretch of the definition but I like em so here they are =)


*The light that blinds us when we cry

the light that binds us when we sigh

the darkness that comes will free us all

the darkness that is now inside us all


the pain that keeps you back from your dreams

the pain behind your hallowed screams

the darkness will bring your pain to task

the darkness wouldn't even have you ask


the friends who stab you in the back

the friends that only hold you back

the darkness will keep them imprisoned in fear

the darkness will make them disappear


the darkness now has set you free

the darkness that came from inside of me

the price you pay though may be great

for the darkness now controls your fate.


hehe so there it is my first post in a while =P , will get back to some other stuff I have brewing in my head later on hopefully sooner rather than later. see ya people \\m//
