Thursday, June 24, 2010

Life as you know it


Over the past few months my life has gone from lazy random days where I would shuffle from home to work and college and back to constant days of working late during the week, organizing event’s for both work and my friends and then as soon as the weekend arrives disappearing with friends going out to parties and movies and what not getting back home just before midnight Sunday. 

Buy through all this I can’t help but feel worried about the inevitable fact that all of this will change, my friends will migrate abroad and I’ll still be here, my brother will go to hotel school and I’ll still be here, what seems normal to me today might seem a distant memory soon and for some reason or the other I don’t like it one bit >_<

anyways moving away from the delusional ranting here is a song that I just wanted to put out there =)




till next time

laters \m/