Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Hello again all been a Long time no, well this is due to the fact that after my laptop was stolen in Feb I was left with no computer to my name but now that I got a new one because I'm starting collage in a few weeks I decided it was about time I wrote something here so here I am

Yesterday after our beloved president made his glorious 2 hours victory speech declaring victory over the LTTE and huddled masses of our country came out in mass waving flags and lighting as many fireworks as they could without killing someone or something I began to wonder what would befall this country now as the war was over..

I have already heard many theories on what will happen some of the more optimistic people are saying that it is a new chapter in the history of our motherland and we shall rebuild from the ashes and grow to become even better than Singapore and the streets will be lined with gold so to speak. Then you have the slightly less hopeful saying an empty salute to our armed forces knowing in their mind that given a year at most things would slowly get worse as the economic recession and our countries massive debt come crashing down on us and make things worse than before. Then how could I forget the most interesting take on what will happen by the burger minority of our country That our country will now become worse than in a way our country is going to end up worse than before as now already the stories that the Sinhala people of our country are starting to discriminate Tamil’s just for being born Tamil and beating them almost to death just for being there as now they do not see the Tamil tigers as a silent force protecting all the Tamils from harm and how when the government starts to give the Tamils a voice in the government problems will arise as our countries now large Muslim population will also demand a piece of the pie so to speak, and how the leader of the Tamil tigers was no fool and would have laid down a plan for the survivors of his army hiding in the refugee camps to bide their time wait till the people of this country start to forget and become lazy and careless and when they least expect it deal them one decisive blow that the world will never forget as a final act of revenge and make sure to have the head of the president who brought him down put on a pike for all to see. And what now will happen to our huge army and security forces who will now have nothing to do and (now that they are not being shot at) ask for their money...

All these theories exist and so do many others that are most certainly with a worse outcome than all those above but I think unfortunately for us for the next few months things will go on as they have yesterday with the brainwashed masses praising our president as some kind of god for ending the war and lighting stuffed tigers on fire with fireworks but this cannot and will not last sooner or later it is all going to start over again simply because of the way the majority of this country think.. or to be more precise how they DON'T think but of course I could be wrong and it COULD be a new golden age for Sri Lanka but all I want to know right now is how long till one of the Hela-Metal bands writes a kick ass song about this xD


  1. Haha! Nice ending! The situ is srsly beautiful material for a local rock song, man. Wanna see what Thriloka can do with it in fact.

  2. oh god ya I'm sure they can pull something awesome out of this them and funaral in heaven xD
